Preschool (3 year olds turning 4)—offering 2,3 or 5 half or full days
Our Preschool uses the Saxon Curriculum, it offers a creative yet developmentally age appropriate approach to learning . It is supplemented by Handwriting Without Tears for the fine motor development of beginning writing skills. We focus on one theme each week, with an academic emphasis on upper case letters, beginning letter sounds, numbers, colors, shapes, pre-reading and math skills.
(All students must be of age by September 1st of that school year)
Spiritual Development
Jesus loves Me!!
Develop a love for self & others
Old & New Testament Stories
Knows what the Bible is
Jesus Time
How to pray
Language/ Social Development
Forming verbal sentences
Express feelings, needs & wants
Participate in group activities
Dramatic Play
Listens to and enjoys stories
Plays and interacts with others
Adjusts to new situations
Emotional Development
Separates easily from parents
Independent thinking
Accepts direction from teacher
Self-help skills- washing hands, dressing self
Listen & participate in circle time
Attention Span lengthening
Clean-up after self
Chooses materials & activities
Creative Development
Participates in art activities
Experiences with wide variety of mediums
Participates in music activities
Sings and repeats songs
Participates in group performance
Expresses self through play & dance
Academic Development
Recognize Uppercase Letters
Know primary colors
Identify basic shapes
Introduce numbers 1-10
Recognition of numbers 1-5
Rote counting to 15
Matching & Sorting
Beginning patterns
Knows first & last name when called
Recognize first name by sight
Early math concepts

Fine Motor Skills
Hold crayons/ color effectively
Manipulate puzzles (12-15 pieces)
String beads
Cuts with scissors
Gross Motor Skills
Walks forwards & backwards
Hand-eye coordination
Balance on each foot
Steps/ alternating feet
Runs with control
Hop, jump, throw and catch
Participate in group games
Sciences & Social Studies
Introduce Senses
Know parts of body
Learn about Healthy Foods
Dental Health
Nature & animals
Community Helpers
Seasons & Holidays