Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Trinity Lutheran Early Childhood Center follows Jesus command and invites all little children and their families to experience His word and love. Children are a gift from God that are precious in His sight. At Trinity Lutheran, our Early Childhood teachers and staff are committed to:
Delivering the saving message of Jesus Christ and nurture spiritual growth in families.
Developing loving and caring relationships between children, their peers, parents and teachers.
Nurturing the development of the whole child, including intellectual, creative, physical, social, emotional and spiritual growth.
Providing child-centered, play-based learning experiences for young children in a safe and secure environment.
Creating opportunities to explore, create, discover and make decisions.
Supporting the child as a unique individual creation of God; encouraging their language, literacy and self-esteem to be the best individual they can be.
Depending on age level, students are offered weekly enrichment in:
- Library
- Music
- Physical Education
- Computers/Tech Time
- Art
- Spanish
In 2013 Trinity opened a 10,000 square foot state of the art Early Childhood Center featuring 9 spacious classrooms, an enclosed playground, a gym/ multipurpose room and an office area with a sick room. We have a fully gated and secure campus with one locked main entry point. We have monthly fire and code red drills, so that every student knows what to do in an emergency.