Tiger Tots (2 year olds turning 3)—offering 2,3 or 5 half or full days
Our Tiger Tot Program uses the High Reach and Kindermusik Curriculums. We offer a balanced approach to learning through crafts, music and play. We focus on one theme weekly with academic introduction to letters, numbers, colors and shapes.
(All students must be of age by September 1st of that school year)
Spiritual Development
Jesus loves Me!!
Develop a love for self & others
Old & New Testament Stories
Jesus Time
Language/ Social Development
Encourage verbalization
Express feelings, needs & wants
Participate in group activities
Manners- Please & Thank You’s
Dramatic Play
Listens to and enjoys stories
Plays and interacts with others
Adjusts to new situations
Emotional Development
Separation from parents
Beginning independence
Potty Training
Encourage self-help skills- washing hands
Listen during circle time
Helps clean-up
Creative Development
Participates in art activities
Experiences with wide variety of mediums
Participates in music activities
Sings and repeats simple songs
Expresses self through play & dance
Academic Development
Introduce Uppercase Letters
Introduce primary colors
Exploring shapes
Introduce numbers 1-5
Rote counting to 10
Matching & Sorting objects
Knows first name when called
Fine Motor Skills
Pincer Grasp
Hold large crayons/ scribbles
Manipulate puzzles (5-8 pieces)
String large beads
Hold scissors/ beginning cutting skills
Gross Motor Skills
Beginning hand-eye coordination
Beginning balance
Maneuver steps
Hop, jump, throw and begin to catch
Sciences & Social Studies
Introduce Senses
Know basic parts of body
Learn about Healthy Foods
Dental Health
Nature & Animals
Community Helpers
Seasons & Holidays