Pre-Kindergarten (4 year olds turning 5)—offering 5 half or full days
The Pre-Kindergarten uses the Little Treasures Curriculum, which is a challenging yet developmentally age appropriate full language arts curriculum that integrates aspects of math, science and social studies in their daily work. We also utilize Handwriting Without Tears for continued fine motor development and proper writing skills. We focus on one thematic unit weekly, with an academic emphasis on upper and lower case letters and their sounds, blends, sight words, numbers, pre-reading, math, science and investigative skills.
(All students must be of age by September 1st of that school year)
Spiritual Development
Shows a love for God
Demonstrates a love for self & others
Old & New Testament Stories
Knows what the Bible is
Jesus Time
Understands Chapel & Church behavior
Initiates prayer
Language/ Social Development
Expanded vocabulary
Speaks clearly
Speaks in complete sentences
Initiates conversation
Uses words to solve problems
Participate in group activities
Demonstrates Manners
Dramatic Play
Listens to and enjoys stories
Plays and interacts with others
Adjusts to new situations
Emotional Development
Independent thinking
Accepts direction from teacher
Ability to make good choices
Self-help skills- washing hands, dressing self
Listen & participate in circle time
Lengthened Attention Span
Clean-up after self
Chooses materials & activities individually
Creative Development
Participates in art activities
Experiences with wide variety of mediums
Participates in music activities
Sings and repeats songs
Participates in group performance
Expresses self through play & dance
Sciences & Social Studies
Understands Senses
Knows & Names most parts of body
Understands Healthy/ Unhealthy Foods
Dental Health
Nature & animals
Community Helpers
Seasons & Holidays

Academic Development
Recognize Upper & Lowercase Letters
Writes Upper & Lowercase Letters
Knows colors
Identifies shapes
Can copy basic shapes
Introduce geometric shapes
Recognition of numbers 1-10+
Rote counting to 20+
Early math concepts
Matching & Sorting
Puts events in sequence
Visual recognition of first & last name
Writes/ prints first name properly
Beginning Letter Sounds/ Pre-reading skills
Word Families
Knows direction left & right
Recites Telephone Number
Knows Birth date (month & day)
Fine Motor Skills
Grips crayon/ pencil w/correct 3 finger grasp
Can draw person w/ minimum 7 parts
Manipulate puzzles (12-24+ pieces)
Beads & weaves
Cuts on lines with scissors
Uses glue proficiently (stick & bottle)
Gross Motor Skills
Walks forwards & backwards
Hand-eye coordination
Walk on balance beam
Steps/ alternating feet
Runs with control
Hop, jump, throw, catch and bounce objects
Participate in group games