At Trinity, “elders” are appointed to serve the congregation and are the Biblical extension of the pastoral office. (Acts 6:1-6) The Elders have as their basic objective to support and advise the Senior Pastor as he may direct them. 


Trinity’s elders:

  • Assist in the spiritual care of the congregation in such duties as visiting the sick, visiting those physically unable to attend worship services, and reaching out to those who have become inactive in worship.
  • Assist with the spiritual discipline of the congregation.
  • Affirm that all policies, procedures, and teachings are in accordance with the doctrinal and confessional standards of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. 
  • Exercise care and concern for the spiritual, emotional and physical welfare of the Pastors, other called workers and their families.
  • Assist in matters of the worship services.

Please email to contact the Elder Board.

Our current serving elders are:

  • Dan Miller
  • Frank Berger
  • Jamie Wagner
  • Aaron Ash
  • Ken Lillberg