REPORT AN ABSENCEPlease note that the school may contact you in order to confirm your child's absence.Student InformationStudent Name(Required) First Last Grade(Required)Please SelectTCTTPreSchoolPre-KKindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade8th GradeParent/Guardian InformationParent / Guardian Name(Required) First Last Email Address(Required) example@example.comPhoneAbsence DetailReason Why(Required)Absence From Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Absence End Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Authorization SignatureAuthorization(Required) By Signing below, I certify that I am the Parent or Legal Guardian of the student named above and that all the information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Parent / Guardian Signature(Required)